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Top Stamped Concrete Patterns

Stamping Concrete is a type of decorative flooring that uses an imprinting process onto concrete. This process involves imprinting a design or pattern using concrete stamps. If you do not want to increase your budget to accommodate pavers or tile, this is a more economical way to acquire that same look. There are many benefits to using stamped concrete patterns. One increases the fact that you do not need to have individual units of pavers installed on your patio. Instead, simply use Stamped Concrete Denver.

Benefits of Stamped Concrete Patterns

● Cost-effective

● Quick and Easy Installation

● Ease of Maintenance

● Durability

● Wide Range of Designs

Stamped Concrete Design Options

There are many different types of concrete stamp patterns available. These can be used for both residential and commercial applications.


As one of the most common stones used to pave, brick is used all over the world. Not only used for paving, but it is also used for wall materials. Brick is known to be expensive, and installation can take a lot of time. This is because each piece needs to be placed accurately depending on what pattern is being followed.

Why Concrete Stamp?

Using concrete stamped brick design is extremely affordable as compared to real brick. There are a few popular designs:

● Herringbone: These are patterns of bricks that resemble the bones of a herring fish.

● Running Bond: Typically the most common pattern for bricks. It is where two ends of a brick meet in the middle of the brick in the next row. This continues the pattern throughout the wall or floor.

● Fan Stone: Sets of bricks laid out in a series of arches. Very common for the ground.


Although slate is typically known as a metamorphic rock, a slate design works to mimic it. Slate stamps are characterized by its “slaty cleavage”. This means that it breaks or splits to a flat, smooth surface. Because of this look, it is often used for floors, countertops, and sometimes roofs. The same look of slate pavers is easily replicated by using concrete stamping patterns. This is much cheaper and looks almost exactly the same.


This form of stone is a type of sandstone. It is usually very flat due to being a sedimentary rock. This makes it very ideal as a paving material for floors and walls. Flagstone stamped concrete looks exactly like natural stone and looks so similar that it is impossible to tell the difference.


Commonly used in old architecture, cobblestones are notorious for being old and hard to walk on. These rounded lumps of stones set on mortar were originally made to create a more convenient road for horses and carriages. Now, this classic look can be made on concrete by using cobblestone stamped concrete patterns.

Classic Wood

Wood provides a classic and rustic look that many people love. This is very expensive and requires a lot of upkeep. We can help you solve this problem, and avoid the high upkeep. Contact us today to learn more about stamped concrete.


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